Who runs the world? Bees! They’re responsible for all of the tasty food in the entire world (and also all of the not-tasty food too!). With a huge responsibility on their tiny shoulders, they need strong leadership. Luckily the Mini Squishable Queen Bee is here to rule over the (Squishable) bee world with regality, knowledge, strength, and fluff! Don’t forget the fluff.
6.2(w) x 7.8(d) x 6(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 3 and up!
Mini Squishable Queen Bee
Mini Squishable Queen Bee
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Who runs the world? Bees! They’re responsible for all of the tasty food in the entire world (and also all of the not-tasty food too!). With a huge responsibility on their tiny shoulders, they need strong leadership. Luckily the Mini Squishable Queen Bee is here to rule over the (Squishable) bee world with regality, knowledge, strength, and fluff! Don’t forget the fluff.
6.2(w) x 7.8(d) x 6(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 3 and up!
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