While cleaning our warehouse to make room for more magnificent mining bags, we came across some “oops” bags. Each bag has some imperfection: too light, dry sand, two bags attached together, handmade bags, mixed items, and more. With this mystery “oops” bag selection sale, you will receive a combination of either four single bags, one double and two singles, or two double bags.
Each bag will contain either seashells, crystals, rocks, minerals, fossils, or shark teeth. These bags all contain the same type of items or a mixture of what is in our other bags. While these bags have slight production errors, the quality of the products inside the bags was too good to sit in the warehouse. Enjoy a discount price for top-quality gems, fossils, shells, or rocks.
You can get our mining bags for barely more than the price of one! Have fun with the kids or loved ones with this fun experience. Add mystery to your usual mining bag experience with these perfectly imperfect bags.
All bags are a mystery from start to finish. Within each bag there could be any combination of our incredible products that we place in our other mining bags, making this a unique and fun experience from ordering to opening.
Each order will be of equal value regardless of the bag combination you will receive. These bags contain our same quality items, however, we do not know the quantity or items contained in each bag. These oops bags are a mystery for us as well and we will try to make your experience the best possible! Enjoy these discounted bags and enjoy the mystery within each order. Bags will be full of mystery and a potential surprise to make every experience unique.
Reminder: there is no customization or requests available.
Mystery “Oops” Bag Closeout – Big Savings!
$15.99 – $24.99
While cleaning our warehouse to make room for more magnificent mining bags, we came across some “oops” bags. Each bag has some imperfection: too light, dry sand, two bags attached together, handmade bags, mixed items, and more. With this mystery “oops” bag selection sale, you will receive a combination of either four single bags, one double and two singles, or two double bags.
Each bag will contain either seashells, crystals, rocks, minerals, fossils, or shark teeth. These bags all contain the same type of items or a mixture of what is in our other bags. While these bags have slight production errors, the quality of the products inside the bags was too good to sit in the warehouse. Enjoy a discount price for top-quality gems, fossils, shells, or rocks.
You can get our mining bags for barely more than the price of one! Have fun with the kids or loved ones with this fun experience. Add mystery to your usual mining bag experience with these perfectly imperfect bags.
All bags are a mystery from start to finish. Within each bag there could be any combination of our incredible products that we place in our other mining bags, making this a unique and fun experience from ordering to opening.
Each order will be of equal value regardless of the bag combination you will receive. These bags contain our same quality items, however, we do not know the quantity or items contained in each bag. These oops bags are a mystery for us as well and we will try to make your experience the best possible! Enjoy these discounted bags and enjoy the mystery within each order. Bags will be full of mystery and a potential surprise to make every experience unique.
Reminder: there is no customization or requests available.
Additional information
2 Bags, 4 Bags
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