The man. The moth. The LEGEND! Salutations to Mothman, he of the West Virginia statue, instigator of festivals, museums, and that weird dream I had last night! Finally coming out from the shadows to announce, Hi! I’m here and I’m kinda shadowy and shapeless and spooky and I have wings! It’s not the most pithy of taglines, but we’re working on it! This Mothman has magnets in his wingtips so he can hug himself! And you! If you’re magnetic!
The man. The moth. The LEGEND! Salutations to Mothman, he of the West Virginia statue, instigator of festivals, museums, and that weird dream I had last night! Finally coming out from the shadows to announce, Hi! I’m here and I’m kinda shadowy and shapeless and spooky and I have wings! It’s not the most pithy of taglines, but we’re working on it! This Mothman has magnets in his wingtips so he can hug himself! And you! If you’re magnetic!
8(w) x 7(d) x 9(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 0 and up!
Mini Squishable Baby Mothman
The man. The moth. The LEGEND! Salutations to Mothman, he of the West Virginia statue, instigator of festivals, museums, and that weird dream I had last night! Finally coming out from the shadows to announce, Hi! I’m here and I’m kinda shadowy and shapeless and spooky and I have wings! It’s not the most pithy of taglines, but we’re working on it! This Mothman has magnets in his wingtips so he can hug himself! And you! If you’re magnetic!
2 in stock
The man. The moth. The LEGEND! Salutations to Mothman, he of the West Virginia statue, instigator of festivals, museums, and that weird dream I had last night! Finally coming out from the shadows to announce, Hi! I’m here and I’m kinda shadowy and shapeless and spooky and I have wings! It’s not the most pithy of taglines, but we’re working on it! This Mothman has magnets in his wingtips so he can hug himself! And you! If you’re magnetic!
8(w) x 7(d) x 9(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 0 and up!
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